Dry Dredgers Field Trip
October 29, 2005
A Northern Kentucky Byway

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It was a late October morning with frost in some areas and heavy fog in others. We had clear skies after several rainy days with below average temperatures. Now the sun slowly burned away the fog as temperatures warmed into the 50's.

The chosen site for the day was along a popular northern Kentucky byway that has more than 50 great road cuts from which to chose. The picture above shows how frequent these road cuts are, as the road meanders among the hills of Kentucky along the Ohio River.

The group was slow in arriving because each of them had stopped at other road cuts along the way and brought with them fossil finds to show off when they arrived at the site.


The site was at a major junction with a road cut on four of the road sides. There was lots of material to collect at the bottom of the cut. At the meeting the night before, our Vice President, Rich Fuches, had given us a tip to start at the bottom, where many of the layers from above are represented and work your way up the cut. We definitely gave that a try this morning. We usually have a field trip the Saturday morning after the Friday night meeting. We don't do this every month, so here is our schedule

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The site includes the top of the Kope (Latonia) Formation and the bottom of the Fairview Formation. The best fossils seemed to be at the top, in the Fairview layers..
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Next Page: Fossils Found That Day

T A B L E    O F    C O N T E N T S

Page 1: Site Pics and Collecting Pics
Page 2: Fossils Found: Cephalopods

Page 3: Fossils Found: Trilobites and Crinoids

Page 4: Fossils Found: Bryozoans

Page 5: Fossils Found: Other Fossils Found

Photos from the Last Visit to this site: October 2002

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